Tuesday, November 25, 2008

SQUANTO and the First Thanksgiving

Last Thursday we gathered together at the Park Forest Library for our 5th Gratefulness Praise Meeting...This is a time that we come together with grateful hearts for the answers to prayer that have been received as our mini church/support group in the past year...We always start off our time with some kind of inspirational presentation, music, readings, or video....this year we watched a delightful video about an Indian from the Patuxet tribe named, Squanto...and how he was captured by Thomas Hunt, brought to Spain as a slave and was purchased by monks who attempted to "civilize" him. Eventually gaining his freedom, Squanto was able to work his way to England and signed on as an interpreter for a British expedition to Newfoundland. From there Squanto went back to Massachusetts, only to discover that, in his absence, every one in his village had been wiped out in a epidemic plague in 1617. As the last Patuxet, he moved in with a neighboring tribe that lived at Pokanoket--the home of Wampanoag chief, Massasoit. The Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower--in November of 1620...they had left England for religious freedoms. Squanto helped the Pilgrims to manure their corn, catch fish and eels, and acted as their interpretor and guide. A year later, in 1621...the Pilgrims and Indians feasted on the harvest at the First Thanksgiving as a three day celebration of what God had done!!! In 1622 Squanto died of Indian Fever...God's hand had been on Squanto the entire time...even when things didn't look so great (like when he was taken to Spain and sold into slavery) God was still in control...(reminds me of the Joseph story...What you meant for evil God turned into good!! Genesis 50:20) If Squanto had stayed with his tribe he also would have died with the epidemic plague...Instead he was there to help the Pilgrims in their search for a place they could worship God as He was leading them to do and to an Indian who would smooth out the way!!!! What a great story...of God's love, faithfulness and sovereignty!!! and on that note!!!
Blessed Thanksgiving to one and all!!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Grateful and Thankful

We just want to express our "Thanks" to those people who attended the launching of our teaching/training/role play seminar, "TheCall" on Saturday, November 1. We will be sending out a seminar evaluation survey which we would love for you to fill out and return.
We also would like to say a ginormous "THANK YOU" to Crete Reformed Church for their grace filled help and fellowship (Mark, Marcia, Andrew, Jared and Debbie) as we were underfoot for a few days. We also would like to "THANK" them for the use of the beautiful Fireside Room and the Spirit of God that resides there. You are a blessing to us!!!

We have set up an informational sight just for " TheCall" teaching/training/roleplay seminar. This sight will include pricing, materials included in the price, schedule and locations of events and any other needed information about this facet of James 5:16 Ministries ...at


Past seminar attendees, if you are in need of additional Tenacious PrayerBooks containing the six (Cancer, COPD, Depression, Heart, Arthritis, and Diabetes) specific medical diseases (cost $10.00)
The single prayers on CD (cost $5.00)
The mailers with postage for the CD (cost $5.00)
Please contact us by email at James516Ministries@yahoo.com, or
by mail at James 5:16 Ministries
P.O. Box 186 Crete, IL 60417.


Just for PrayerTime Tuesday

Hello Friends out in Bloggyland!!!
Since PrayerTime Tuesday Requests are coming in on a more regular basis to this ministry...we have decided that those requests deserve a place of their own where those of you who support this ministry in prayer can go right to the prayer requests for that week in one direct
So here is the news:

PrayerTime Tuesday has it's own site as of today!!!

click here: www.prayertimetuesday.blogspot.com

You can also get to the request page from the icon of the sunset at the right hand column on this blog....
Please continue to email or snail mail your physical, spiritual, emotional, or situational requests to...James516Ministries@yahoo.com or P.O. Box 186, Crete, IL 60417...or hand Lois or Char a readable request on paper.

And keep those prayers-a-rising....they are changing lives... eternally!!!
Bless you for caring!!