Monday, August 4, 2008

I Second That Emotion

That was the Women of Faith 2008 Pre-Conference featuring Jan Silvious and her book: Smart Girls Think Twice, Patsy Clairmont and her book: I Second That Emotion, and Anita Renfroe and her music DVD entitled: It's Probably Just My Thyroid...this was a day of laughter therapy and solid biblical teaching on understanding your emotions...and what a day that was...we laughed...we cried...THEN WE LAUGHED SOME MORE and we walked away loving every minute of was one of our favorite moments:

When it comes to your emotions, which of the following animals best describes you and why?

*an angry lion
*a hissing snake
*a barking dog
*a tiny kitten
*a playful otter

No matter which animal we are we can chose to not hide our emotions but expose them to the taming of God's grace.

Jan's Website:

Patsy's Website:

Anita's Website:

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