Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Teaching of 08-07-08

The first Thursday of August here we were at the Park Forest Library teaching chapter #10 from our study book: Overcoming Difficulties...a light-hearted look at Joshua by Marilyn Meberg...when we came to this verse to look up and ponder...Zephaniah 3:17...The Lord God is with you...He is mighty to save...He will take great delight in you...He will quiet you with his love...He will rejoice over you with singing!!! We asked the group to think for a few minutes what their favorite love song of all times know that song that when you hear the music start...even before the words get this "feeling" somewhere between your heart and your stomach...(not that feeling like from a Taco Bell Supreme Burrito, either)...Then we asked them to picture this image...The Lord of Heaven and Earth...King of Kings and Lord of Lords...holding them in His a Mother holds her newborn baby and sings a tender lullaby over them...a song that makes the child feel secure...comforted...LOVED...that is exactly what that verse is you and that point in the teaching...Char shared her favorite love song of all times...which is...I Will Always Love Whitney Houston...but because of time she did not actually play the song for them to forward to the late evening of 08-07-08...Char in checking her email realized that there was one from a lady who had attended the study earlier in the day...who sent this link not realizing what a gift she gave......

If you ever think that the Lord does not do what He says he does in his Word or that He doesn't care...think again....HE LOVES YOU...HE LOVES YOU...HE LOVES imagine this scene...The Lord with you in His arms...what love song is playing??? Let us know...we would love to post 'em...!!!

Lois' love song:

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