Friday, May 1, 2009

Wandering and Wondering...No More

When we got the news two months ago that the Park Forest Library was going to be doing a "complete" renovation of their facilities....of course...we were outrageously happy for them...then we got the news that our meeting place for the past 9 years was becoming the computer lab and we would be "homeless" with our Bible study and Prayer Meeting beginning in May...we then became the wandering and wondering mini church.....selah!!!
But, God saw fit to lead us to the Promised Land in a fairly reasonable time frame (not the usual 40 year time span) and we couldn't feel more blessed and excited to meet in our new location.....
(drum roll, please!!!)
We will be meeting in the Fireside Room of Crete Ref. Church...located in the lovely and quaint town of (you got it) Crete!!!!
Just so happens this is also the loca of the two family residences of Moses and Joshua...I mean Lois and that means....definitely no wearing out of sandals or Michelin tires for us to get there!!!
The Church is also excited about this partnership.....AND we want to take a blog moment to "thank" them in a big way for.....their hospitality, the keys to the kingdom, a metal storage cabinet and letting us advertising on their most impressive marquis on Exchange Avenue.
Way to go.....Church!!!

So....join us for this exciting gathering of Ladies of any age, tribe or tongue (really!!) at our first meeting in Crete on Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 1PM...we will be studying chapter #2 from the study book by Jennifer Rothschild called "Walking by Faith...and Not by Sight" (available at the Vine Bookstore, Dyer, IN)

Oh...and if for no other reason...come and join us in partaking of some "manna" provided by none other than....Moses and Joshua!!!

1 comment:

Char and Lois said...

When we arrived at our new location.....there is was....a WELCOME SIGN just for us!!! WE FELT THE LOVE!!!