Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mentwo's...Rox and Mrs. "C"

I know...I know...I made up a new word...isn't it great???...It's mentor times two...we want to take a blog minute to honor those two mentors in our lives who over the years helped us be...who we be...or who we are today because of them....In his book, Finding a Spiritual Friend, Timothy Jones writes, "a companion who tells us, "I'm here, I'll stay--even if you do not have all of your life put together" frees us to grow. Such a friend helps us not grow weary and lose hope that keeps us trying."

artfelt Gratefulness to God for Rox, Lois' mentor and Mrs. "C" my mentor...we can't thank-you enough for handing us hope enough to "keep on trying" at every visit and staying
with us when our lives were disconnected...like the ankle bone is not connected to the leg bone...we love you from the bottom of our hearts...well, actually with all four chambers...
Every time I say your name in prayer--which is practically all the time--I thank God for you, the God I worship with my whole life in the tradition of my ancestors. 2Tim1:3 MESSAGE

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