Wednesday, September 24, 2008

3...2...1...LIFTOFF....We have LIFTOFF...

The countdown has begun...(We have LIFTOFF!!!) on Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 9 hundred hours....James 5:16 Ministries officially launches....TheCall!!
The teaching/training facet of this ministry for "CallTeams" in the local church to (the mission) hand hope, help and healing to the medical, hospitalized, hospice care, nursing home, and house bound patient....after our 10 years experience in "the field"...and based on the Word of God to all the Matthew 25:35-40.
This event will take place at Crete Reformed Church, in the quaint little town of Crete, Illinois...(launching pad) in their Fireside Room....We will be giving out a few free tickets which will entitle the bearer to:

**A copy of Tenacious Prayers...PrayerBook!! one...which contains the scriptural based prayers for 6 specific medical conditions...e.g. Cancer and treatments.
**A 44 page "CallBook"...which is the workbook with all the "helps" in it.
**3 hour teaching/training/role playing time with Char and Lois (with the Lord makes 3 main engines ).

Prayer (docking) needs:

God's choice for the crew that needs to be at this launching.
God, in the person of the Holy Spirit (external tank) to power us in the right direction.
God's peace and wisdom (solid rocket boosters) as Char and Lois prepare for the launching.
God's blessing and favor on this facet of James 5:16 that names will be written in the Lamb's Book of Life because of it!! (mission accomplished)


Anonymous said...

This is marvelous. Who said you had to go to seminary or
head up an organization to be a powerful arm of his Kingdom
of love. What the two of you are doing is breathtaking! You
are two Spirit filled women.

I am so happy for you.

God Bless,

Cousin Vern

Anonymous said...

GOD continues to be faithful, and take your ministry from faith-to-faith to glory-to-glory. As you know, the time is short, and we must do the work of the ministry while it is today, and I think this next level of ministry will really bless a lot of people. I can hear the LORD saying . . GO into every man's world (I'm paraphrasing, of course), and preach the gospel. So many people need to be saved, some that have backsliden need to be restored, and others just need to be encouraged.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Lois. You and Char are visionary and unrelentless in caring for those who are hurting. I hope the response to this new facet of your ministry catches on and that many are willing to join you. Keep on having fun. Love, Ruth