Sunday, September 7, 2008

Can you hear me now?

Soon and very are going to.....hear....Tenacious Prayers volume audio....we are very close to making each scriptural, medical condition specific... Prayer... available on CD....each one will also include the Prayer for the Doctor, Medical Staff and the Prayer of Celebration...what a blessing this will be for patient's to get the Word of God...which we know contains hope, help, and healing...... prayed directly into their spirits....and to be able to have prayer when with some conditions the patient is not able to pray for themselves...this will also be another wonderful way to pray for friends that are far away...pray from home and drop a CD into the mail with your card and best wishes for a speedy recovery...So check back in the next few days to reserve your CD's...we are pretty sure they will soon and very soon be gone!!!

Single Audio Prayer for: Arthritis, Cancer and Treatments, COPD, Depression, Diabetes, or Heart.

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