Monday, September 15, 2008

Languages of Love

¡Hola!....Not too long ago in our mini church...the group read and then we taught from a book by Dr. Gary Chapman called
Five Love Languages
...How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate...some of us never realized that ...sometimes we need to speak another language to interact with that person....and show them how much we really love them....

Here is the list of languages that speak I love you according to the author:

*Words of Affirmation

*Quality Time
*Acts of Service
*Physical Touch

We found out amazingly that we quite often "talk" to loved ones in a language that speaks to us....but not to them!!!
For example, if I am a person that would love to hear words of affirmation... encouragement from someone by what they say to me... instead that person gives me a back rub and doesn't say a word during it....because they think I may want to meditate on the Lord...I would feel no better or more loved th
an pre-back rub...This would be like speaking Spanish to someone who does not speak Spanish...No comprende.

Once we had this teaching "under our
cinturóns" we began to look around us at those folks we love...and started to speak in their languages.....and what a grande difference it made in those relationships.

Gary for helping us to finally realize that language does matter.....and by the way....nothing says "I love you" more to
me than taking out the bathroom garbage...(now guess which one of the ministry team I am??)

¡Adios mis amigos! ¡Hasta mañana!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Char,
Thanks for writing.
Permission is granted as requested below.

Pam Pugh

Pam Pugh
General Project Editor
Moody Publishers
820 N. LaSalle Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60610-3284
312-329-2118 (phone)
312-329-4157 (fax)

We would like to obtain permission from you to use from Dr. Gary Chapman's book the five love languages....just the outline for a book review of what the five love languages are ONLY and then we will reference the book and its author for purchase. We will be listing this book review on our website only so nothing in paper print.