Tuesday, December 2, 2008

...PrayerBook WORLDWIDE....

When we were asked a year ago to write a 5 (cinco)
year visionary plan
for James 5:16 Ministries...there were certain facets the Lord had laid directly onto our hearts (el corazón).....facets that the Lord unveiled for us while we worked at the World Vision Step into Africa Exhibit....and then there were facets like this one that have come about by walking with the Lord (Dios) in this ministry over the past year....We are in the pondering, talking, networking process of what it will take to publish Tenacious Prayer Book one into Spanish!!! WOW (VIVA) ....how exciting is that???? Here is what we need from those of you out in Bloggyland and our "Partners in Prayer" to pray for specifically for this project...
~The perfect person to do the translation as there are alot of medical terms in there!!!!!

~The financial covering of this endea
vor...apx. $1500.00 (dollars....no pesos please!!!) for the first 200 copies!

The reason why we always share where we are going with this ministry is that we know that you or someone you know may have it placed in your hearts to participate in this project...because we know that with God all things ...including this project...are possible!!!
As I was typing this the Lord laid it onto my heart...wouldn't this be a wonderful
project to be completed to celebrate Cinco de Maya Day
(May 5th, 2009) with our Spanish speaking/praying Brothers and Sisters in Christ??? Just a thought (creía) !!!

Cinco de Maya History: www.vivacincodemayo.org

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

SQUANTO and the First Thanksgiving

Last Thursday we gathered together at the Park Forest Library for our 5th Gratefulness Praise Meeting...This is a time that we come together with grateful hearts for the answers to prayer that have been received as our mini church/support group in the past year...We always start off our time with some kind of inspirational presentation, music, readings, or video....this year we watched a delightful video about an Indian from the Patuxet tribe named, Squanto...and how he was captured by Thomas Hunt, brought to Spain as a slave and was purchased by monks who attempted to "civilize" him. Eventually gaining his freedom, Squanto was able to work his way to England and signed on as an interpreter for a British expedition to Newfoundland. From there Squanto went back to Massachusetts, only to discover that, in his absence, every one in his village had been wiped out in a epidemic plague in 1617. As the last Patuxet, he moved in with a neighboring tribe that lived at Pokanoket--the home of Wampanoag chief, Massasoit. The Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower--in November of 1620...they had left England for religious freedoms. Squanto helped the Pilgrims to manure their corn, catch fish and eels, and acted as their interpretor and guide. A year later, in 1621...the Pilgrims and Indians feasted on the harvest at the First Thanksgiving as a three day celebration of what God had done!!! In 1622 Squanto died of Indian Fever...God's hand had been on Squanto the entire time...even when things didn't look so great (like when he was taken to Spain and sold into slavery) God was still in control...(reminds me of the Joseph story...What you meant for evil God turned into good!! Genesis 50:20) If Squanto had stayed with his tribe he also would have died with the epidemic plague...Instead he was there to help the Pilgrims in their search for a place they could worship God as He was leading them to do and to an Indian who would smooth out the way!!!! What a great story...of God's love, faithfulness and sovereignty!!! and on that note!!!
Blessed Thanksgiving to one and all!!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Grateful and Thankful

We just want to express our "Thanks" to those people who attended the launching of our teaching/training/role play seminar, "TheCall" on Saturday, November 1. We will be sending out a seminar evaluation survey which we would love for you to fill out and return.
We also would like to say a ginormous "THANK YOU" to Crete Reformed Church for their grace filled help and fellowship (Mark, Marcia, Andrew, Jared and Debbie) as we were underfoot for a few days. We also would like to "THANK" them for the use of the beautiful Fireside Room and the Spirit of God that resides there. You are a blessing to us!!!

We have set up an informational sight just for " TheCall" teaching/training/roleplay seminar. This sight will include pricing, materials included in the price, schedule and locations of events and any other needed information about this facet of James 5:16 Ministries ...at


Past seminar attendees, if you are in need of additional Tenacious PrayerBooks containing the six (Cancer, COPD, Depression, Heart, Arthritis, and Diabetes) specific medical diseases (cost $10.00)
The single prayers on CD (cost $5.00)
The mailers with postage for the CD (cost $5.00)
Please contact us by email at James516Ministries@yahoo.com, or
by mail at James 5:16 Ministries
P.O. Box 186 Crete, IL 60417.


Just for PrayerTime Tuesday

Hello Friends out in Bloggyland!!!
Since PrayerTime Tuesday Requests are coming in on a more regular basis to this ministry...we have decided that those requests deserve a place of their own where those of you who support this ministry in prayer can go right to the prayer requests for that week in one direct
So here is the news:

PrayerTime Tuesday has it's own site as of today!!!

click here: www.prayertimetuesday.blogspot.com

You can also get to the request page from the icon of the sunset at the right hand column on this blog....
Please continue to email or snail mail your physical, spiritual, emotional, or situational requests to...James516Ministries@yahoo.com or P.O. Box 186, Crete, IL 60417...or hand Lois or Char a readable request on paper.

And keep those prayers-a-rising....they are changing lives... eternally!!!
Bless you for caring!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Inn of the Sixth Happiness

According to Chinese tradition.....there are five happinesses in life...wealth, longevity, health, virtue, and peace in life and death...
Yesterday, during our mini church....we talked about the sixth happiness (according to two missionary ladies to China) and most important happiness...being in the center of God's will...
According to 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 we found out the answer to...
Which kind of people does God invest in?

...and sometimes the answer comes as quite a shock....and definitely counter-cultural...society values: those with good looks, the right clothes, lots of money, great talent, highly respectable name or position, or material acquirements...those are the kinds of folks the world invests in....

Paul, in these verses says that God chooses the seemingly foolish, weak and insignificant (as the world sees them) as the ones He calls to invest in. And why does God do that??? V.29..."so that no flesh should glory in His presence"...so no man gets the credit!!!

Gladys Aylward (1902-1970) was one of those whom God chose...she had deep within her heart that she was called to be a missionary to China....she was born into an English family with 2 sisters and a brother...all whom of which took after their parents as they were tall, blond haired and blue eyed....Gladys was born small in stature, with dark hair and eyes...she was told by the head of the Chinese missionary board that she was "not qualified" to be sent to China...but instead of deterring her from the "call" on her life, she took a job as a house maid, saved up her earnings and went to Yang Cheng, China of her own accord....where she met up with the aging Christian missionary, Agnes Lawson...who had founded an inn...called the Inn of the Sixth Happiness.....to evangelize travelers who passed through...This inn later became an orphanage under Gladys Aylward's direction which housed 100 orphans...who then in 1940 fled Yang Cheng because of wars to the safer providence of Sian...a perilous 100 mile mountainous journey with 100 orphans in tow...

Glady's story became the movie...The Inn of the Sixth Happiness...now out on DVD...starring Ingrid Bergman...even when Gladys had the chance to go to a comfy, clean, upscale orphanage....she chose to go back to Yang Cheng...and the Inn of the Sixth Happiness...(not because of the love of a man as portrayed in the movie version) but for the sixth happiness as she said...that is the greatest happiness...to be in the center of God's will for your life!!!

Insignificant and Ordinary?
At the end of her life Gladys wrote of herself: "My heart is full of praise that one so insignificant, uneducated, and ordinary in every way could be used for His glory for the blessing of His people in poor persecuted China."

Are you living in the sixth happiness??? It's the happiest place on Earth....sorry

1 Corinthians 1:26-31: Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when God chose you. Not many of you were considered wise by human standards. Not many of you were powerful. Not many of you belonged to important families. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. He chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the things of this world that are common and looked down on. He chose what is not considered to be important to do away with what is considered to be important. So no one can brag to God. Because of what God has done, you belong to Christ Jesus. He has become God's wisdom for us.He makes us right with God. He makes us holy and sets us free. It is written, "The one who brags should brag about what the Lord has done."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

3...2...1...LIFTOFF....We have LIFTOFF...

The countdown has begun...(We have LIFTOFF!!!) on Saturday, November 1, 2008 at 9 hundred hours....James 5:16 Ministries officially launches....TheCall!!
The teaching/training facet of this ministry for "CallTeams" in the local church to (the mission) hand hope, help and healing to the medical, hospitalized, hospice care, nursing home, and house bound patient....after our 10 years experience in "the field"...and based on the Word of God to all the sheep......in Matthew 25:35-40.
This event will take place at Crete Reformed Church, in the quaint little town of Crete, Illinois...(launching pad) in their Fireside Room....We will be giving out a few free tickets which will entitle the bearer to:

**A copy of Tenacious Prayers...PrayerBook!! one...which contains the scriptural based prayers for 6 specific medical conditions...e.g. Cancer and treatments.
**A 44 page "CallBook"...which is the workbook with all the "helps" in it.
**3 hour teaching/training/role playing time with Char and Lois (with the Lord makes 3 main engines ).

Prayer (docking) needs:

God's choice for the crew that needs to be at this launching.
God, in the person of the Holy Spirit (external tank) to power us in the right direction.
God's peace and wisdom (solid rocket boosters) as Char and Lois prepare for the launching.
God's blessing and favor on this facet of James 5:16 Ministries...so that names will be written in the Lamb's Book of Life because of it!! (mission accomplished)

Friday, September 19, 2008

PrayDate Thursday

Another powerful PrayDate yesterday at the Park Forest Library...

enjoy The Hoppers (love their name~reminds us of bunnies)...singing
"Mention my Name"......
we did!!!
(enjoyed and mentioned that is !!)

click here: http://www.youtube.com/TheHoppers

Hopper Family bios: www.thehoppers.com/biographies

The Tenacious Prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective!!! James 5:16

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What on Earth

If you have ever asked yourself...What on Earth am I here for?....the medical patient mini church of the Park Forest Library is offering a gathering of 5 Wednesdays to help you answer that very question...
We will meet at Faith Church in Dyer, Indiana at 5:30 for a delish supper at the nominal cost of $5.00 (which includes...you got it....dessert and coffee).
We will gather at 6:45 in the sanctuary to behold the DVD of Rick Warren's teaching on the Purpose Driven Life....and then we will gather in a smaller venue...to discuss questions which will by the nature of them...and the Holy Spirit propel us into a direction of walking out what we have learned to live a fulfilled and pleasing life as unto the Lord.....So below find the Wednesday list of meetings and the
topics....We have available for $4.00 the Purpose Driven Life book which correlates with each of the Wednesday nights....reading this book will help to prepare the heart and understanding for the teachings......Hope you can join us....Please RSVP via email at: james516ministries@yahoo.com or to Lois or Char in person....if you will be attending!

Wednesday, October 22...What on Earth?...Planned for God's Pleasure
Wednesday, October 29...Formed for God's Family
Wednesday, November 5...Created to Become Like Christ
Wednesday, November 12...Shaped for Serving God
Wednesday, November 19...Made for a Mission

Monday, September 15, 2008

Languages of Love

¡Hola!....Not too long ago in our mini church...the group read and then we taught from a book by Dr. Gary Chapman called
Five Love Languages
...How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate...some of us never realized that ...sometimes we need to speak another language to interact with that person....and show them how much we really love them....

Here is the list of languages that speak I love you according to the author:

*Words of Affirmation

*Quality Time
*Acts of Service
*Physical Touch

We found out amazingly that we quite often "talk" to loved ones in a language that speaks to us....but not to them!!!
For example, if I am a person that would love to hear words of affirmation... encouragement from someone by what they say to me... instead that person gives me a back rub and doesn't say a word during it....because they think I may want to meditate on the Lord...I would feel no better or more loved th
an pre-back rub...This would be like speaking Spanish to someone who does not speak Spanish...No comprende.

Once we had this teaching "under our
cinturóns" we began to look around us at those folks we love...and started to speak in their languages.....and what a grande difference it made in those relationships.

Gary for helping us to finally realize that language does matter.....and by the way....nothing says "I love you" more to
me than taking out the bathroom garbage...(now guess which one of the ministry team I am??)

¡Adios mis amigos! ¡Hasta mañana!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Prescription for Condition: Laughter!!

The Bible states in Proverbs 17:22 that a merry heart is a good like medicine....so read the below list and feel better...these are actually taken from patient's charts....not any of OUR patient's charts...HIPAA you know...Enjoy!!

1. Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year.

2. On the second day the knee was better, and on the third day it disappeared.

3. She has no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last night.

4. The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed.

5. The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in 1993.

6. Discharge status: Alive but without my permission.

7. The patient refused autopsy.

8. The patient has no previous history of suicides.

9. She is numb from her toes down.

10. While in ER, she was examined, X-rated and sent home.

11. The skin: was moist and dry.

12. Occasional, constant, infrequent headaches.

13. Patient was alert and unresponsive.

14. Rectal examination revealed a normal size thyroid.

15. She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life, until 1989 when she got a divorce.

16. The lab test indicated abnormal lover function.

17. The patient was to have a bowel resection. However, he took a job as a stockbroker instead.

18. Skin: somewhat pale but present.

19. Patient has two teenage children, but no other abnormalities.

20. Patient has left his white blood cells at another hospital.

The patient lives at home with his mother, father, and pet turtle, who is presently enrolled in day care three times a week.

22. Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch.

23. Patient is a healthy, appearing decrepit,69 year old male, mentally alert but forgetful.

24. Patient's past medical history has been remarkably insignificant with only a 40 pound weight gain in the past three days.

25. I saw your patient today, who is still under our car for physical therapy.
26. Patient was seen in consultation by Dr. Blank, who felt we should sit on the abdomen, and I agree.

By the time he was admitted, his rapid heart stopped, and he was feeling better.
28. The patient was in his usual state of good health until his airplane ran out of gas and crashed.

When she fainted, her eyes rolled around the room.

30.Patient was released to outpatient department without dressing.

The patient will need disposition, and therefore we will get Dr. Blank to dispose of him.

32. The patient expired on the floor uneventfully.

33. Bleeding started in the rectal area and continued all the way to Los Angeles.

34. The baby was delivered, the cord clamped and cut, and handed to the pediatrician, who breathed and cried immediately.

35. I have suggested that he loosen his pants before standing, and then, when he stands with the help of his wife, they should fall to the floor.

The patient is a 79-year-old widow who no longer lives with her husband.

37. The patient left the hospital feeling much better except for her original complaints.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Can you hear me now?

Soon and very soon.....yes.....you are going to.....hear....Tenacious Prayers volume one....in audio....we are very close to making each scriptural, medical condition specific... Prayer... available on CD....each one will also include the Prayer for the Doctor, Medical Staff and the Prayer of Celebration...what a blessing this will be for patient's to get the Word of God...which we know contains hope, help, and healing...... prayed directly into their spirits....and to be able to have prayer when with some conditions the patient is not able to pray for themselves...this will also be another wonderful way to pray for friends that are far away...pray from home and drop a CD into the mail with your card and best wishes for a speedy recovery...So check back in the next few days to reserve your CD's...we are pretty sure they will soon and very soon be gone!!!

Single Audio Prayer for: Arthritis, Cancer and Treatments, COPD, Depression, Diabetes, or Heart.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Seasons Change...

Today we had a most wonderful season of time in the Park Forest Library.....it began with a study of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8...which are wise words...from the second wisest man of all time....King Solomon....(Jesus takes first place!!!)...
There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

We talked about how thankful we were that God created the world with natural order so that day follows night, Spring follows Winter.....then Spring into Summer.....Summer into Fall...and Fall into Winter....we pondered how shook up things would be if...natural order became obsolete and in the Midwest, where we live, and we had two Winters in a row.....YUCK!! and BOO!!
We love how the Lord does not give us
the Ecclesiastes...seasons of life....to stay in either ....because of God's creative design of natural order, after a time....that season comes to pass....We taught how the devil would like us to get stuck in a season....for instance, grieving something or someone ....and never dancing again....We taught how you can battle the devil and keep yourself free by keeping God's word in your heart but also in your pocket on cards if necessary...and how to prepare for the battle with the amour listed in Ephesians 6:13-17...
season of time...ended at the study....with this verse in Ecclesiastes 12:13...(King Solomon speaking again) Here is my final conclusion: fear God and obey his commandments for this is the entire duty of man. For God will judge us for everything we do (no matter what season we are in) including every hidden thing, good or bad.

Did you know that in 1952, Pete Seeger set to music the words in Ecclesiates 3:1-8 and that it became the all time hit for the group the Byrds in October of '65...called Turn, Turn, Turn???

http://www.youtube.com/Turn Turn Turn

Think about the seasons of life you have already experienced....like a time you may have cried like a baby....remember? it was just a season....and pretty soon you laughed again...or maybe there has been a death in your family recently....and you feel the loss and sadness...but then a baby is born....and the legacy of your family continues on.....so seasons turn...turn...turn....take time and Thank God for that....by the way...some seasons really turn ...where did the Summer go?

Sunday, August 31, 2008

PrayDate Thursday

During our regularly scheduled PrayDate!! Meeting we had a most wonderful, amazing, Spirit-filled time.....we want to share a glimpse of what went on with all of you out in BloggyLand...we started out by watching a worship DVD of the Integrity Praise Team from the Women of Faith Conferences...and ended our first half with Sandi Patty singing "How Great Thou Art" with a down syndrome young woman named....Lisa Smith...signing the words....now we will continue to try to secure permissions to get the exact performance on this blog entry....but until then...enjoy this version...

Click here: http://www.Godtube.com/SandiPatty

After this song....we took a small break....and then began the second half of the meeting with prayer requests and the praying....now when we say this....some may not be able to understand what we mean...the Spirit showed up and did the praying through us....kinda like an out of body experience....(but without the spaceships and aliens involved)...we still to this day have to tell each other what we prayed because it wasn't us....well, it was us standing in the front of those gathered and saying the words....but the words were the Lord's.....His Spirit to our spirits....and then our of our mouths....now that was a PrayDate!! we are sure not to forget....anytime soon!!!

After listening to the worship song....begin praying...for whatever is laid on your heart....believe it, the experience with be amazing.!!!....even better than space travel if you ask us!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Healthy as a leaping calf

So yesterday, Sunday...one of us from the ministry headed with husband in tow...to the local County Fair...to consume a humongous homemade apple dumpling with cinnamon sauce and ice cream on top...we, of course in the interest of gas prices...did some looking around...at the plethora of crafts for sale...the cute but stinky baby animals (PU!!)...a large assortment of farm equipment...and participated in a few "meet and greets" with local politicians...but basically this trip is all about the dumpling...So we get our bowl of Deliciousity and head to the grand stands to find out what all the "dirt was flying" about...literally...the dirt was flying...we sit on a bench in the front row and find out that cowboys twirling lassos while riding on horses are beginning to compete for a calf roping blue ribbon contest...right there.....I am very nervous...I can hardly eat my dumpling...they herd into a large pen about 25 variously hide colored...and very cute....(but stinky...I am sure)...calves to the far end of the arena...then the cowboys on horses load themselves into these large metal stalls with ropes in hand...then they take one of the very cute calves and load them into a small metal stall from a door in the back...the poor thing is just squashed into this space.....everybody stands back...the official starts the clock running and releases the stall door on the front of the calf's pen and the cowboy and horse pen...the calf so glad to be released from those tight quarters......jumps out of that pen and leaps for joy........until the cowboy comes with the rope...I will spare you the rest of the details...lets just say...the dumpling wasn't easy to eat (I was having to swallow it through the sorrowing lump in my throat for the cute little stinky calf) ) as I had remembered from years past...but those other years I ate it and didn't watch the rodeo...Then the Lord reminded me of something...so sitting in the stands...I got out my Bible and read...Malachi 4:2...For you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams, and you shall go forth and gambol like calves (released) from the stall and leap for joy...then I thought....well, there wasn't any calf roping in Bible writing days...so what are we talking about here Lord??? I found the answer from a farm wife, named Judi, who lives in Northwest Oregon...she writes about the Malachi verse..."I LOVE this imagery. I wish everyone could see what for me is a common sight; baby calves released from a nursery stall into open space for the first time in their lives, discovering the real purpose of legs is for dancing...will run and jump and leap for hours, simply because they can. Their uninhibited, unrestrained delight is so pure... I could watch them for hours."
So if you are sorrowing over the need of a release from some tight quarters of your own...physical, emotional, mental, spiritual or situational...Jesus...the Sun of Righteousness...has risen...literally...with all the "healing" available for whatever your need is...just lasso this to your delight filled heart:
I will worship...respect...rejoice in.
Jesus Christ!!!
.....all together now...(even if you can only partcicpate in your heart because of physical limitations)...in purity... uninhibited and
unrestrained...Leap for Joy...because of what Christ has done!!!..I'll eat a dumpling to that!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


One of the early "Calls" that we made to St. Francis Hospital in Blue Island, Illinois in 1998 was to a lovely women from our practice who always donned the latest leopard attire when she came to the office...Little did we know that from these early beginnings would expand to teaching "CallTeams!!" to reach the medical patient for Jesus Christ....after our 10 years of experience in "the field"...
This second picture is of a "Call" in 2008 to Rush Pres St.Lukes in Chicago, Illinois to another lovely and dear woman to us from the practice....oh how things have changed over the years....like hair color, hair styles, glasses and hospital security....but a few things have stayed the same....our love for the
LORD...sharing that love with medical patients...and our love for Leopard...which is actually our trademark ministry attire....Thanks Mrs. Kunz...when we get to Heaven we are convinced we can "spot" your mansion....pretty sure it's decorated with your trademark theme....

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Teaching of 08-07-08

The first Thursday of August here we were at the Park Forest Library teaching chapter #10 from our study book: Overcoming Difficulties...a light-hearted look at Joshua by Marilyn Meberg...when we came to this verse to look up and ponder...Zephaniah 3:17...The Lord God is with you...He is mighty to save...He will take great delight in you...He will quiet you with his love...He will rejoice over you with singing!!! We asked the group to think for a few minutes what their favorite love song of all times was...you know that song that when you hear the music start...even before the words begin...you get this "feeling" somewhere between your heart and your stomach...(not that feeling like from a Taco Bell Supreme Burrito, either)...Then we asked them to picture this image...The Lord of Heaven and Earth...King of Kings and Lord of Lords...holding them in His arms...like a Mother holds her newborn baby and sings a tender lullaby over them...a song that makes the child feel secure...comforted...LOVED...that is exactly what that verse is describing...to you and me...at that point in the teaching...Char shared her favorite love song of all times...which is...I Will Always Love You...by Whitney Houston...but because of time she did not actually play the song for them to hear...fast forward to the late evening of 08-07-08...Char in checking her email realized that there was one from a lady who had attended the study earlier in the day...who sent this link not realizing what a gift she gave......


If you ever think that the Lord does not do what He says he does in his Word or that He doesn't care...think again....HE LOVES YOU...HE LOVES YOU...HE LOVES YOU....now imagine this scene...The Lord with you in His arms...what love song is playing??? Let us know...we would love to post 'em...!!!

Lois' love song:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Younger Son of Patsy

In 2003 while attending the GREAT ADVENTURE tour of Women of Faith Pre-Conference held at Christ Universal Temple in Chicago...we left our seats early to be the first in line for a photo-op with Patsy Clairmont...we just had to have a pix with that teeny tiny cracked pot...as we approached her book table...we beheld a young man with the face of Pasty...it turned out to be her younger of two sons...Jason...we exchanged conversation over the selling of books until Patsy arrived...The first picture was taken of us with Patsy by Jason...at the time he had a young son named Justin and a lovely wife, Danya.....Over the years we have always looked up our friend Jason at all the Women of Faith conferences that we attend every year...The second picture is us with Jason in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 2004...we had a leopard theme going on that year and we were pleased that Jason got the memo and opted for a black shirt to coordinate...The third picture is us with Jason in Indy in 2008...since meeting Jason years ago...he has moved up in the WOF company and now is the King of all the booktables...has added to his family with another son named Noah...and he and his wife own a Christian Bookstore in Brighton, Michigan...called His Bible and Book House ...if you are ever in the neighborhood of their bookstore...drop on in and tell them the Chicago Nurses sent you...

Click for Info: His Bible and Book House/Brighton, MI

Friday, August 8, 2008

Indy Chinese

A great big shout out and THANKS to Beth of P.F.Chang's in Indy who after a long day at the Saturday WOF Conference blessed the Chicago Nurses with some free lettuce wraps to make our day...and just so everyone knows lettuce wraps are the best but made even better by FREE...thanks for letting us hang out for some good food and a little TLC at your restaurant...do the shoes fit????
You are our second favorite hostess...as Karissa, Char's daughter relatively speaking has to get top billing as hostess of Olive Garden...in Merrillville...only she hasn't give us a free appetizer come to think of it....so maybe you are first in line........Hugs out to your son, Hayden Nathaniel...you have a very nice Mommy...

Love Me Never Leave Me

Is the title of the newest book by Marilyn Meberg for the 2008 WOF Conference...in this book she shares hilarious tales of real life experiences and heartrending losses from a live well lived...weaving God's Word through every experience to provide hope and encouragement to all who listen...she told a crack up till you cry story about her infestation with hungry yard bunnies...and how she rid herself late one night of this problem with human hair...not to worry though...the tribe of bunnies only relocated down the block to Luci's backyard...HAIRCUT ANYONE???

Books By Marilyn:
Love Me Never Leave Me
God at Your Wits End
Free Inside and Out
The Decision of a Lifetime
Since You Asked

Choosing the Amusing
I'd Rather Be Laughing

The Zippered Heart
The Best Devotions of Marilyn Meberg
Study Series:

Overcoming Mistakes...a light hearted look at Jonah
Overcoming Difficulties...a light hearted look at Joshua

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The VonPatty Family Singers at WOF

Luci Swindoll, Sandi Patty, her parents and entire blended family sang...The Lord Bless You and Keep You...to close out the Women of Faith Infinite Grace 2008 Conference...and what a closing it was...

If you are not familiar with this benediction in song click the link below...read the music and words...sing along...AND bless someone today when you part their company...you might just make their day...

Click here:www.youtube.com/TheLordBlessYou

Sandi's Website: www.sandipatty.com

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Lord Bless You and Keep You

Luci Swindoll's Infinite Grace message was based on blessing people when you leave their company with the words from Numbers 6:24-26...The Lord bless you and keep you...the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you...the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace...OR leaving them with no words, bland words, or harsh words...the choice is ours...Luci told a story of how she was in a very long line one day at her bank...in came a lady with two small children who got into the back of the very long line...the man at the very front of the line waved this lady to his spot and he took her spot at the end of the line...now that's grace...the kind of grace Jesus offered at the cross...Saving Grace...when He took our place, our punishment, our debt and exchanged it with a place for us to be seated with Him in the Heavenly places...Jesus...what a Savior!!!

Prayer Request for Luci: her knee's

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

...Stink at Prayer...then read her book

"I've always shied away from this topic as I really stink at prayer," says Sheila. (Can you relate?) But, she's come to realize that, "every sound we utter, every thank you we say, every tear we cry in God's presence is prayer."

Sheila's Infinite Grace presentation which was taken from her newest book...Get off your knees & PRAY...a woman's guide to life-changing prayer...was just so prayer inspiring...but, then again as we blogged earlier... hers was one of the books that made our top 5 list of books on Prayer that definitely needed to be in one's library...

And Sheila's duet with Sandi Patty of the song from Wicked "For Good" just knocked our socks off...well...it would have knocked our socks off if we would have had socks on!!!

Sheila's Website: www.sheilawalsh.com

.......The Case of the Missing Mind.......

Was it the boss? Could it have been her teenage daughter? A woman goes "undercover" to identify the suspects who might have taken her mind...that was the the plot for one of the hysterical dramas we enjoyed by Nicole Johnson from her 2008 MotherLODE DVD...as we all looked for clues in this "case"...we questioned who might have stolen our own minds...like when walking into a room and forgetting why you are there??? Or the times we ask...has anyone seen my glasses???...when the "culprit specs" are perched on top of our own heads...

Nicole's website: www.freshbrewedlife.com

Monday, August 4, 2008

I Second That Emotion

That was the Women of Faith 2008 Pre-Conference featuring Jan Silvious and her book: Smart Girls Think Twice, Patsy Clairmont and her book: I Second That Emotion, and Anita Renfroe and her music DVD entitled: It's Probably Just My Thyroid...this was a day of laughter therapy and solid biblical teaching on understanding your emotions...and what a day that was...we laughed...we cried...THEN WE LAUGHED SOME MORE and we walked away loving every minute of it...here was one of our favorite moments:

When it comes to your emotions, which of the following animals best describes you and why?

*an angry lion
*a hissing snake
*a barking dog
*a tiny kitten
*a playful otter

No matter which animal we are we can chose to not hide our emotions but expose them to the taming of God's grace.

Jan's Website: www.jansilvious.com

Patsy's Website: www.patsyclairmont.com

Anita's Website: www.anitarenfroe.com